Dark Void Steam Key

Dark Void

You are Will, a cargo-pilot on a routine flight unexpectedly ripped through time and space and now trapped in a parallel universe controlled by an alien race known as the "Watchers".

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tyl0413 1 0

Sold out as I was about to fill out the payment info, no chance of restock right?

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CraigBGP Team 2 0 (Edited)

We've already requested new stock from the publisher before it ran out, though we may not be able to get the keys today. You can still order a key and it'll be added to your account as soon as we have new keys though (likely Early Next week).

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tyl0413 1 0

Is it guaranteed I'll receive a key if I pre-order? As the game is going to be removed soon the publisher might decide to not give out more keys.

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