Watch_Dogs 2 Ubisoft Connect

Watch_Dogs 2

Play as Marcus Holloway, a brilliant young hacker living in the birthplace of the tech revolution, the San Francisco Bay Area. Team up with Dedsec, a notorious group of hackers, and expose the hidden dangers of ctOS 2.0, which, in the hands of corrupt corporations, is being wrongfully used to mon...

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January 17, 2017 – CraigBGP Team

Watch_Dogs 2 - Update 1.09 Patch Notes (Available Now on PC)

Performance updates released in latest Watch_Dogs 2 patch (1.09), adds a number of new options for PC users including more Screenspace Reflections levels and Dual Shock 4 controller support.

Watch_Dogs 2 has just released it's latest patch on PC (Xbox One will have to wait until next week, PS4 already received the update earlier this week) which adds more customisation for video options such as Medium and High levels of Screenspace Reflection - which has been a performance hog for most systems, adding these new levels should hopefully improve things all round. Plus they've optimized RAM which will help those on low end machines that don't have much of it available.

Other additions include Dual Shock 4 Support, Music Volume Slider (at last!), a new Pixel Density Limit and San Francisco Fog improvements! The YourBoySerge received a much needed nerf and will now fire only one round in the clip (down from 6). Hopefully this balances online play a little.

Update 1.09 Patch Notes

  • [Performance] RAM Usage Optimization – This patch optimizes a system memory usage which improves the game’s performance on systems with low RAM amount.
  • [Performance] Screenspace Reflections Optimization – This patch improves the overall performance of Screenspace Reflections and adds two new lower quality levels (Medium and High).
  • San Francisco Fog – The algorithm of the San Francisco Fog (aka “Karl”) appearing is improved with this title update.
  • Visual – The maximum value of the Pixel Density slider has been changed from 1.25 to 1.5 with this patch.
  • Sound – We have added a Music Volume slider.
  • Controller – Added support for the newer DualShock 4 controllers (ZCT2U models).
  • YourBoySerge Nerf – This .50 Cal sniper rifle has been the subject of some debate in the community, and is considered to be overpowered in online play. In this patch, we’ve reduced the number of rounds in the magazine from 6 to 1, and we will continue to monitor and balance this beasty rifle.
  • Fixed various minor issues with flickering.
  • Fixed various minor issues with incorrect window modes behavior.
  • Fixed various minor issues with the UI and text.

Source: http://watchdogs.ubisoft.com/watchdogs/en-US/news/152-281800-16/patch-notes-title-update-109

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